Kafka on the Shore (2005)

By LightFury
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I don't know if it's due to my lack of knowledge in literature or the way it was written. The metaphors are used/ mentioned without elaboration even when the listener in the book mentioned that he couldn't understand and yet there's no further elaboration. 

It's fascinating and magical but also I don't understand how it all worked out, I can't figure out how the events correlate. 

Things I dislike about this book 
- the 15-year-old boy, who has a high sex desire & obsession with his penis 
- In chapter 16, the descriptive killing of cats (I didn't go through it, I googled online for a summary of the chapter and I moved on.)
- the poor old man, who seems so pure-hearted, dies because of a stone or was it not, I don't know. As I mentioned, I can't figure out the whys & hows.


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